Friday, October 16, 2009

Snap It!'s September Winners

Danny Veazey of Paris, Tennessee, is September's Snap It! winner for his photo Cleaning Out Mother's Attic, which took top prize with 20% of the vote.

Congratulations, Danny!

Second place goes to Traci Ellis for her photo Gran's Garden with 16% of the vote.

Third place goes to Sheila Stigall's Acrobatic Squirrel, with 13.6% of the votes.

Each and every photo was much enjoyed and deeply appreciated. Thank you to everyone who submitted photos to the SNAP IT photo competition. Please come back next month to vote for October's best photo.

Thanks also to our sponsors, Paris-Henry County Arts Council who make this contest possible!

Here are September's winners:

Cleaning out Mother's attic: Findings of her earlier hobby of rug making. Treasures for us to keep for years to come, by Danny Veazey September 7, 2009.

Gran's Garden. This photo was taken by Traci Ellis on September 13, 2009.

An acrobatic squirrel on my mother's birdfeeder in her backyard on Edgewood Street, September 7, 2009. By Sheila Stigall.

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