Richard Graves of Buchanan, Tennessee, is the new Snap It! winner for his photo Christmas Cardinal.
Congratulations, Richard!
Dec 27: Merry Christmas to all in Henry County. Taken by Richard Graves, Christmas Morning in Henry County. Second place goes to Donnie Carson for his photo Holiday Bird House.
Dec 6: It's holiday time for the birds too! Photo taken in our back yard by Donnie Carson. Third place goes to Chuck Raymer's photo Snowswept Barn.
Dec 13: A picture from my back yard of Nan Robbins' barn at 2 p.m. Sunday. Chuck Raymer. SNAP IT! is designed to bring attention to the beauty of Henry County and to the talented photographers who enter the competition. invites all amateur photographers to send in
horizontal snapshots from Paris-Henry County. One photo per day will be picked by staff to grace the front page of our web site. At month's end, readers will vote among the daily pics for Photo of the Month. Twelve finalists will vie in December for the coveted position of photo of the year! Send your photo to
Full Snap It! submission guidelines.