This cabin, located on Sulphur Well Acadamy Road in the Springville area, is reminiscent of a simpler time, when people greeted neighbors and friends from the front porch, gathered their kids, and spent time with each other every day. By Debbie Canady.
Ever-flowing natural spring at the roadside park on Highway 79 N. People go to the park every day to get cold water from this spring. Photo by Debbie Canady.
Nellie, the owl, is always a crowd-pleaser. At Tuesday's Back To School Blast at the Central Administration building, she once again demonstrated why. She's a regal gal and the love of handler Jack Fodrill's life. Shannon McFarlin photo.
"Morning Frenzy". Hummingbirds provide hours of enjoyable viewing as they interacting with each other, racing for their favorite feeder. Photo by Dick Levesque of Puryear.
"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida". Picture taken by Rick Conger on July 26. The "Iron Butterfly" sits among a group of Brown-Eyed Susans in the gardens at 107 Greenacres Dr., home of Rick and Pam Conger.
Well, where's breakfast? A family of deer wait expectantly for the meal they've come to expect at the Levesque homestead. Photo by Dick Levesque, Puryear.
A sunflower takes on a translucent glow against a coudy sky. Photo by Tiffany Carson of Paris, taken while working in the garden on Highway 77, July 18, 2009.
Rows of plants being tended by the Henry County High School agriculture classes, as seen through the barbed wire fence behind the high school. Shannon McFarlin photo.